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Curcumin 95 % Extract Capsule

Curcumin 95% extract capsule is used in the management of metabolic syndrome. They are also helpful in relieving from exercise induced inflammation and arthritis pain.


Cow Urine Tablets

Cow urine tablets are highly effective in making liver healthy. These tablets are helpful in reducing heart diseases and play an evident role for treating mental illnesses too.

Antacid Syrup & Tablet
Antacid Syrups & Tablets are effective in treating stomach disorders associated with acidity, excess salvation, gas formation and heart burn. These medications contain herbal ingredients that have long lasting effect.
Child Care Drops

Child care drops are considered important child care products which are helpful in treating vitamin deficiency issues. They are diuretics which notably inhibit water absorption in nephrons.

Anzyme Syrup and Gastro Capsule
Anzyme Syrups and Gastro Capsules are reliable remedies of flatulence, gastric conditions and acidity. Advanced formulation of these medicines provides immediate relief from the above mentioned conditions and these drugs have long lasting result.
Cough Syrup and Tablets
This range of Cough Syrups and Tablets is well known for its long lasting result, side effects free composition and quick mode of action. These medications provide relief from bronchial spasm and manage allergic condition associated with cough.
Vitamin General Tonic Syrup and Tablet
Vitamin General Tonic Syrups and Tablets are effective options to boost immunity power and to ensure overall health. Advanced formulation of these medications fortifies disease prevention capacity of body and guarantees about long lasting medicinal value.

Hair Oil - Shampoo And Tablet
Hair Oils - Shampoos And Tablets offered by Green Health Care is well known for its natural and herbal ingredients. Tried and tested formula of these products nourishes hair to make it dense, lengthy and healthy.
Liver Tonic Syrup and Tablet
Liver Tonics Syrups and Tablets have been specially formulated to manage acidity and in handling fatty liver condition. These medications are effective in accelerating metabolism and in purification of blood by detoxification.

Blood Purifier Syrup and Tablet
Blood purifier syrups and tablets are effective in eliminating toxic content present in blood. Presence of toxin in blood results in a number of health conditions that include skin problems. These medications combine a number of herbs with immense therapeutic value.
Brain Tonic Syrup

Brain tonic syrup is a powerful medicine in liquified form. The syrup is significantly made using organic herbs which stimulates brain functioning and memory capacity.

U Clean Capsule and Syrup
U Clean Capsules and Syrups are effective in treating kidney stone. These medications are also effective in treating urinary tract infection. Formulated from quality approved ingredients, these medicines have long lasting result.
UTERINE Tonic Capsule Tablet and Syrup
UTERINE Tonics Capsules Tablets and Syrups are reliable remedies of menstrual pain. Advanced formulation of these medicines fortifies uterus and relieves pain. These medicines are also effective in improving function of ovaries and in rectifying menstrual cycle.

Pain Relief Oil & Anti Rheumatic Capsules
Pain Relief Oils & Anti Rheumatic Capsules offered by us are well known for their long lasting medicinal properties. These medications are composed of well chosen herbs that have immense therapeutic value.
Laxative Powder and Tablet
Laxative Powder and Tablets have significant role in maintaining cleanliness of intestine. These medicines are effective in providing relief from constipation and in promoting wellness. We offer these medications at reasonable rate. 
Bone Care and Calcium Capsules
Bone Care and Calcium Capsules are effective in strengthening bones by providing required calcium to body. These herbal medicines have been formulated under controlled environment by using quality approved ingredients.
Diabetes Control Capsules

We are offering sugar controlling pills also known as diabetes control capsules. The capsules help in regulation of natural blood sugar levels which help in reducing diabetes complications.

Piles Care

Piles care medication significantly works for reducing piles symptoms such as swelling, bleeding near affected area. The tablets help in softening tools and enhancing mobility. They thus help in relief from pain.

Antioxidants Capsules

This range of antioxidants capsules are medication which are taken for prevention of nutrition deficiency. They are heavily demanded in medical or pharmaceutical industries. They must be taken after recommendation by physicians.

Antidiarrhoeal Tablet

Antidiarrheal tablets work by slowing the movement of the gut, which help in hardening of stools. These medications are of paramount importance for treating acute and chronic diarrhea issues.

Hypertin Tablet

We are highly engrossed in offering hypertin tablets that are wonderful medications which work by relaxing blood vessels and thus, lower blood pressure. This ultimately helps in prevention of strokes, heart attacks.

Cardian Tablet

We offer cardian tablets that are profusely used in the diagnosis of cardiac issues such as heart failure symptoms. The tablets have been manufactured with right composition of medicinal ingredients.


Herbal Soap

Herbal soaps are made using organic herbs and ingredients which do not have side effects. They contain antibacterial agents which remove the germs and cleanses the skin.

Baby Care Products

We offer baby care products which are highly gentle to the sensitive skin of infants. There are various products are obtainable such as lotions, creams which do not irritate the soft, delicate skin of babies.


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